Clues to the evolution of religious faith

Posted by Guessedworker on Saturday, 04 October 2008 00:32.

This morning the Telegraph ran a short news feature titled, “People who believe in God are more helpful.

Scientists say that those who frequently pray and attend religious services report more charitable donations and volunteer work

However the review, published in the journal Science, does suggest that believers acting for the greater good may be doing so to enhance their own reputation among friends and acquaintances.

In one experiment, volunteers who had been told that a dead student’s ghost had been seen in the experiment room cheated less on a test than those who had not.

In another, children who were told that a fictional character called Princess Alice was watching them were less likely to disobey their instructions.

In Science, the authors wrote: “These findings are consistent with the idea that outward evidence of religious devotion may engender more trust.”

The evidence also suggests that trust in other members of a religious group is higher when those groups involve a greater degree of commitment, for example in stricter forms of religious belief, such as Mormonism.

The authors say that the research supports the idea that in early societies religion helped to foster social cohesion by encouraging cooperation.

The original paper is titled The Origin and Evolution of Religious Prosociality and is by Norenzayan and Shariff, Department of Psychology, University of British Columbia.  The abstract reads:-


URGENT: The Republican Party’s Opportunity to Demolish the Democratic Party

Posted by James Bowery on Friday, 03 October 2008 16:10.

Given the Republican Party’s desperate situation in the upcoming election midst a financial crisis founded on bad consumer credit, there is an enormous opportunity to seize control of the US government and utterly destroy the Democratic Party:

Call up Charles Murray over at the highly influential American Enterpise Institute and draft a policy for the implementation of “The Plan” outlined in his book “In Our Hands: A Plan to Replace the Welfare State” whereby every citizen age 21 or above who isn’t incarcerated receives $10K/year in monthly payments—thereby replacing all transfer/“entitlement” programs.

If the Republicans could uniformly get behind this conservative think-tank plan, they’d sweep the election and dismantle the core of public sector rent-seeking that provides Democrats with their political base.



Posted by Guessedworker on Friday, 03 October 2008 12:37.

Peter Mandelson, already a resignation veteran, the architect of New Labour and of spin in British politics, and possibly the most despised politician of recent times, is returning to the cabinet.

Normally, I would attempt to formulate some sort of response of my own, beyond the obvious single word offering of “Gobsmacked”.  But the Guardian’s on-line Labour-lovers are coming up with much more jaw-dropped, wide-eyed bemusement that I ever could, all in answer to a Mandelson eulogy by another despised spin-person, Derek Draper (yes, the guy who once boasted “There are 17 people who count in this government, and to say I am intimate with every one of them is the understatement of the century”).

Enjoy the thread here.

One slightly wierd side-note ... a commenter named Pinktaco sensibly asked how Mandelson, who is not a member of either house, could serve in a cabinet post.  The comment was removed by the moderator.

Dr Fredrick Toben arrested on EU warrant at Heathrow

Posted by Guessedworker on Wednesday, 01 October 2008 15:16.

From the Telegraph news that:-

German-born Australian national Dr Gerald Fredrick Toben, 64, was detained by the Metropolitan Police extradition unit using an EU arrest warrant issued by the German authorities.

The founder of the Adelaide Institute, a web and print publication that questions the Holocaust, he is accused of publishing material on the internet “of an anti-Semitic and/or revisionist nature” that “denies, approves of or plays down the mass murder of Jews by the Nazis”.

The arrest warrant alleges that Dr Toben committed the offence in Australia, Germany and other countries.

In a disclaimer on his website, Dr Toben writes of his work: “If you wish to begin to doubt the Holocaust-Shoah narrative, you must be prepared for personal sacrifice, must be prepared for marriage and family break-up, loss of career, and go to prison.

“This is because Revisionists are, among other things, dismantling a massive multi-billion dollar industry that the Holocaust-Shoah enforcers are defending, as well as the survival of Zionist-racist Israel.”

In the past he has denied that he said that the Holocaust was a “lie”. He has previously been convicted in Germany of inciting racial hatred.

In 2006, he was among a group of Holocaust academics who attended two-day “Review of the Holocaust: global vision” conference organised by President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad of Iran, who caused international outrage by describing the Holocaust as a “myth”.

He is due to appear at City of Westminster Magistrates’ Court in central London.

Here’s the full front-of-house diclaimer referred to in the above report:-


The case for Inevitablism

Posted by Guessedworker on Tuesday, 30 September 2008 22:18.

Today the quality British papers have carried articles uniformly decrying the Austrian election result.  As one would expect, it’s all “far right” this and “extremist” that.  But I’ve been struck by how many readers commenting on the threads take issue with these sentiments.  Ten or fifteen years ago, any sympathy for Germanic nationalism would have been completely beyond the pale.  Eight years ago, when Haider’s Freedom Party entered government with Wolfgang Schüssel’s People’s Party, the mandarins of the EU felt bold enough to issue sanctions against Austria for voting “wrongly”.  Today that is beyond the pail.

Now, I’m no Inevitablist, and should a wave of mass revulsion of the MultiCult actually sweep Europe’s nationalists into office over the next decade, my immediate concern would be that their intellectual roots are too shallow to give the required coup de grace to liberalism and all its works (and its workers).  But it is impossible to explain to a man who has been confined for so very long that the first openings of the door aren’t the beginnings of his freedom.  He is going to will it to be anyway.

Here are some thread comments to illustrate the point that there is a crack in the door.  They are taken from the thread to a confused and rambling but PeeCee piece in the Telegraph titled “Far-Right’s showing in Austria’s election is worrying”.

To wring hands about this is just so hypocritical and, frankly, missed-the-boat journalism.

For years, the so-called Political ‘Elite(what a misnomer!)AND the MSM have combined in a cosy and sinister cartel to keep the issues of Immigration and Integration of Europe OFF the discussion list of voters ; anyone with half a brain(many of the electorate, sad to say)could see that in the event of an economic downturn, this would come back viciously to rebound, especially on the corrupt and smug political parties who can hardly be separated by a cigarette paper in their policies on BOTH of these subjects.

The vote in Austria may be tut-tutted by both media and Politicians of the centre left, but it won’t go away - neither will the increasing anger in other parts of Europe about these issues. The day of the Soft-left is coming to an end, caused in no small way by their stupid and unsustainable policies of Lending to those who cannot afford to repay loans but who can be relied on to vote for them ; Clinton began this policy by repealing the Glass-Steaghal Act in 99, and the financial melt-down currently rocking the world is a direct result of this - Doubtless, Democrat-leaning media in both the USA & UK will try to whitewash this, but the fact remains.

As times become harder and jobs scarcer, the simmering resentment over unchecked Immigration will turn and devour the Left ; the future looks increasingly frightening and it is ALL the fault of Liberal woolly thinking.

Posted by King Canute on September 30, 2008 3:25 AM

Why should it be sinister that people want an end to uncontrolled economic migration to their corner of the globe?

It seems to be a point that eludes the vast majority of politicians and the MSM.
Posted by Jabba the Cat on September 30, 2008 7:25 AM

Nationalism is a perfectly logical reaction to counter the EU liberal Lib/Lab/Con communism.

It’s coming to a place near you, but you still don’t get it!
Posted by Rocket Scientist on September 30, 2008 7:29 AM

austrians will always tell you -hitler -was a german and beethoven an austrian, from what i hear from friends in austria the would welcome the nazi party under a different name. this is because of immigration but like the elephant in the room as in u.k. no one dare mention it,i was told by friends the fear is losing their national character as a people and high taxes to pay for benefits for the immigrants.sounds familiar?.
Posted by londoner432 on September 30, 2008 8:20 AM


Nationalist gains in Austria

Posted by Guessedworker on Sunday, 28 September 2008 22:49.

The first national elections since the bank collapse really went critical have taken place in Austria today.  The news is: significant gains for the two nationalist parties.  Heinz-Christian Strache’s Freedom Party (FPOe) and Jorg Haider’s Alliance for the Future of Austria (BZOe), have taken 29% of the vote between them.  Of that, the Freedom Party took 18 per cent of the vote - up from 11% in 2006 despite suffering accusations of xenophobia during the election campaign.  The Alliance for the Future of Austria won 11 per cent of the vote - up from 4%.  So it’s an even split of 7 percentage points gained apiece.

The official result will only be announced on October 6th.

It is possible but, of course, unlikely that nationalist parties will be invited into government, as they were in 2000.  On the other hand, the Austrian public will not smile upon a repeat of the centrist double act of the People’s Party and the Social Democrats.  Most likely to emerge from the inevitable period of political horse-trading is a “grand coalition” of the Social Democrats, who won the largest share of the votes with 28%, the Greens and one of small parties.

Following on the Northern League’s coup of joining the governing coalition in Italy last April, achieved with only an 8% vote share, this is a heartening result.  One should always remember, though, that it has come about for negative reasons: electoral disenchantment with the governing duo and with aspects of Austria’s membership of the EU, and discontent with immigration.  This negativity is a weakness of European nationalism.  Of course, nationalists have to believe in the “certainty” that voter dissatisfaction with the Establishment parties will escalate and keep on escalating, delivering power to them as an inevitable product of the postmodern hell.  Thusfar, however, it has proved impossible for nationalists to sustain the gains they have made, and all too easy for the default mainstream to adapt à la Sarkozy.

The lesson would appear to be that a positive, communicable vision has to run alongside the standard mix of critical rhetoric and vote-buying managerial politics.

Clueless Tory patrician quote of the day

Posted by Guessedworker on Saturday, 27 September 2008 23:51.

For a fleeting moment this morning I was stopped in my tracks by a single sentence from a Guardian interview given by Shadow Home Secretary Dominic Grieve MP QC:-

“We’ve actually done something terrible to ourselves in Britain.”

But then came this intellectually flabby, depressingly predictable explanation:-

“In the name of trying to prepare people for some new multicultural society we’ve told people, particularly long-term inhabitants, ‘Well your cultural background isn’t really very important, or it’s flawed, or you shouldn’t be worrying about it’. And then we’ve been shocked that far from producing the new model citizen who easily adapts to multiculturalism, people are very resistant, very fearful and very lacking in self-confidence.”

So, the English are “long-term inhabitants” (the Third World invaders are “second- and third-generation immigrant communities”).  I’ve been called a few things in my time, but never a “long-term inhabitant”.  What kind of idiot thinks like that?  Apparently, one that, if the polls are to be believed, has a very good chance of becoming Home Secretary in the next year or so!

To compound matters, he doesn’t even appear to have noticed the culture war that was fought by the Birmingham Schooled left from the 1980s onward.  It was only preparing people for “some new multicultural society”. So that’s alright, then.

It’s enough to want to grab him by his expensive lapels and bellow, “Look, you clueless prat, what has been done to us is a crime against humanity ... an effing genocide!”

But he would only think that I lack self-confidence.  Obviously.

He says:-

“In this vacuum, both the BNP and Hizb ut-Tahrir rise. They are two very similar phenomena experiencing a form of cultural despair about themselves and their identities. And it’s terribly easy to latch on to confrontational and aggressive variants of their cultural background as being the only way to reassure themselves that they can survive.”

So the BNP is the moral equivalent of a radical Moslem organisation that, only last year, David Cameron asked Brown to hurry up and ban.  And, of course, it’s all about despair.  We are just in need of a bit of good old reassurance.  Something like: “You long-term inhabitants have absolutely nothing to complain about as your precious homeland passes slowly and irrevocable into the hands of much shorter-term inhabitants.”  No, nothing at all.  Dominic has it all worked out.  All we have to do is to be tolerant since, as everyone knows:-

“Our country has adapted because people have been tolerant, which has often required a lot of forbearance and acceptance of things they didn’t like. That is how Britain has evolved.

You see.  Government-organised race-replacement by negroes and Moslems isn’t genocide at all.  It’s evolution.

National feeling and the nation state in Europe

Posted by Guessedworker on Friday, 26 September 2008 22:55.

Politics is … the shaping of the future through power over the present.  That’s it, really.  But already in that simply formulation there is an inherent contradiction.  If we survive into the future, it will necessarily contain us.  But who is shaping it?  In whose interests?  And exactly what future are they shaping?

The realisation that the “we” in this are the people, our own people, and that not only is the hand on the lever of power not ours, but our allotted future is not one we would ever wish upon ourselves … that realisation is the wellspring of all nationalist dissidence in the modern age.  It’s the reason why political nationalism throughout Europe today is centred on a principled defence against mass immigration.

But obviously, the impulse itself predates all political “isms” by tens of thousands of years, predates the nation state, predates the sovereign king.  In its evolutionary essence it is as pure an affirmation of life as was ever made.

It is also an affirmation of the sacred tie between the people and the land.  But we are not talking about mere patriotism here.  Patriotic pride is fully acceptable to the enemies of Europe’s people.  There is not enough such pride in the whole world to fill the heart of one man or woman who rediscovers the love of and sense of belonging to his or her own people.  To borrow from a rather well-known if propagandistic Hollywood call to arms:-


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Thorn commented in entry 'A year in the trenches' on Fri, 26 May 2023 10:09. (View)

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Thorn commented in entry 'A year in the trenches' on Fri, 26 May 2023 01:07. (View)

Al Ross commented in entry 'A year in the trenches' on Fri, 26 May 2023 00:51. (View)

Al Ross commented in entry 'A year in the trenches' on Fri, 26 May 2023 00:30. (View)

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Al Ross commented in entry 'A year in the trenches' on Thu, 25 May 2023 23:37. (View)

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Al Ross commented in entry 'A year in the trenches' on Thu, 25 May 2023 22:30. (View)

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Thorn commented in entry 'A year in the trenches' on Thu, 18 May 2023 23:42. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'A year in the trenches' on Thu, 18 May 2023 11:33. (View)

Al Ross commented in entry 'A year in the trenches' on Thu, 18 May 2023 05:50. (View)

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